Benefits Of Outside Play For Children

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Most people realize that kids need plenty of time playing outside and exploring nature. After all, it’s important that children stay active, especially in our sedentary and screen addicted society. The benefits of outside play for children reach farther than just physical fitness, though. 

The benefits of outside play for children

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Kids have been playing outside since the dawn of time. It’s only in recent years that we’ve really halted outside play in favour of ‘safer’ indoor and structured alternatives. Unfortunately that has had a negative effect on early childhood development. According to some experts, attention and sensory disorders can even be improved with regular active outside play. Every child benefits from spending time outdoors every day. 

If you need any more encouragement (or justification) for getting kids out of the house, here are some of the amazing benefits of outside play for children.

Better focus on learning

When kids go outside during the school day they come back more focused and ready to learn. All kids benefit from physical activity, not just ones that are more active in class. That being said, outside play is especially therapeutic for children with ADHD. Some studies have even shown that getting active outdoors can reduce symptoms of hyperactivity disorders!

Stress reduction benefits of outside play for children

Like adults, kids benefit from the endorphins released from exercise. These hormones are the reason we feel so good after a workout. Also like adults, running around and doing physical activities help children to burn off steam when life is feeling stressful. Although you can get physical activity from playing inside too, outdoor play naturally encourages physical activity in a way that doesn’t feel like forced exercise.

Vitamin D and sun exposure

Yes, lather kids up with sunscreen before playing outdoors. Especially if it’s during the summertime. Despite all the risks with sun expsoure, we still need to be out in it a fair bit to stay healthy. First of all, kids will absorb vitamin D naturally. Second, sun exposure helps improve our moods. Third, it might even play a role in our immune system and sleep regulation.

A chance to explore

Kids don’t get enough opportunities to explore independently in today’s society. By giving kids plenty of time for outside play they will naturally investigate the world around them. That exploration will lead to new discoveries and natural learning. No textbook needed.

An opportunity to develop risk assessment skills

Learning how to keep themselves safe is one of the less talked about benefits of outside play for children. Without being exposed to danger and risks kids won’t know how to deal with real dangers when they come across them. For example, if a child suffers a bee sting they know to stay away from the beehive. We can’t bubble wrap our kids and protect them from everything but we can help them develop the skills to protect themselves.

A better immune system is one of the benefits of outside play for children

Sun exposure isn’t the only immune system booster for kids when they play outdoors. It might sound backwards, but exposure to all the germs you find outside actually helps boost immunity in kids. Exposure to germs in childhood is actually linked to a better immune system and lower rates of allergies and asthma. So let kids get dirty!

A chance to explore what their body can do

Can your child lift that rock? Will they be able to dig a hole through the Earth before their arms get tired? How far can they run through the tall grass? These are all questions that can only be answered through outside play. By encouraging kids to play outdoors you’re also giving them a chance to explore what their body is capable of. Not only will this help develop gross and fine motor skills, it also improves confidence in their own abilities.

Increased creativity

Unlike playing inside where everything is structured and toys are designed for play, outside play is a blank slate waiting for your child’s imagination. By offering structure free time outdoors, you get all the creative benefits of outside play for children. You’ll be amazed at what kind of ingenious games and activities kids come up with when left to their own devices outside.

Social skill benefits of outside play for children

You can’t make new friends if you stay inside! Take kids to different places to play in your neighbourhood where they can engage with other kids their age outside. Even shy kids will warm up and want to participate in whatever games are going on. Hang back and let kids navigate the situation on their own so they have a chance to practice their social skills in an unstructured environment.

Improved sensory skills

Like all skills, sensory perception needs to be developed too. This is one of the benefits of outside play for children that you really can’t get in other environments. When kids are outside there’s so much going on. They’ll feel the sun on their face, the wind in their hair, the prickle of grass, squishy feeling of mud through their fingers, the smell of flowers mixed with dirt, and so on. 

Outdoor play truly is more stimulating than any action-packed video game and exposure to that stimulus is what helps children’s brains learn to process sensory input correctly. Some experts even link sensory processing disorders to a lack of outside play in early childhood. 

Physical fitness

Kids need one hour of vigorous physical activity at minimum every single day. Structured exercise, even indoors, does count and will have health benefits, but it’s not the same as outdoor play. When kids are outside they can exercise in a more natural way and build physical activity into their regular play. As they grow, they will hopefully be drawn to more active hobbies as a result. 

They’ll learn to love nature

The only way you can foster the love of something is by exposure to it. If you want your children to be nature lovers you have to get them out exploring the natural world! By giving kids structured (learning) and unstructured (play) time outside you likely won’t have to do much to get them to fall in love with the great outdoors.

Get outside regularly to see the benefits of outside play for children

These benefits of outside play for children only work if you prioritize spending time outdoors. You won’t see amazing benefits by just going to the park for an hour. To get the most benefits out of playing outside it will need to become part of your family’s routine and lifestyle. 

Try adopting a challenge like the 1000 hours outside challenge to keep you motivated!

What are your kiddos favorite outside activities? I would love to hear in the comments!