Lowercase Letter C Craft for Kids

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One of the most significant picture books I remember from my own childhood is The Very Hungry Caterpillar. I had my very own copy! This classic book traces the path of a caterpillar from larvae to butterfly, through several different favorite foods. Caterpillars are the perfect creature to help us learn the letter c. Make this cute caterpillar lowercase letter c craft with your preschool child to help him visualize the letter and memorize its shape.

Related: Lowercase Letter b craft for Kids

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Letter C Activities with Food.

Its fun to add little extras related to the letter your child is learning to your day. You don’t have to do a ton, and it could be as simple as buying cookies at the store if you don’t have time to make them. Cookies start with C after all, which we all of us 80s kids know since we grew up watching Sesame Street.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle.

You could also try a variety of foods that start with the letter c, like cauliflower, catsup, (an older spelling of the word), carrots, celery, cantaloupe, and corn. Read The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle together. You can get it at your local library or on Overdrive through your public library system.

Noticing the letter c around you.

As you read books together with your child, have him or her sit up next to you where they can see the pages. Point out words that start with the letter c or whatever letter you are currently working on.

As you drive around town, look for signs with the letter c to show your child. You can also play I Spy with items that begin with letter c. If you do this regularly with your child you will be surprised the things you can find on your route for each letter! “I spy a clock.” or “I Spy a Coat.” or if you are lucky “I Spy a Cow.” You can also play the I Spy game in your playroom.

Learning Colors with the Letter C

Color starts with c, so you could work on learning colors with this activity and tie it to the letter. Have your child pick the colors for her caterpillar by name. Talk about the colors in the book you read, and in the art you look at together. Crayon also begins with the letter c, so pull them out and do some coloring this week. Coloring builds fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

Counting Practice with the Caterpillar.

One of the really fun things to do with this caterpillar craft is to add a little counting practice to the letter learning activity. C is for counting and caterpillar! For extra counting fun, I love Ten Little Caterpillars by Don Martin Jr. and Louis Ehlert. You can also revisit The Very Hungry Caterpillar and count the foods that he ate and the days of the week.

Learning the Letter Through Craft Time

Don’t forget to go over the letter sound as you make the lowercase letter c craft. I like to gather up toys that start with the letter c ahead of time and name each item before we start crafting. You can also look around your room and name items that start with letter c, or name the people you know who’s name begins with c. Remember, any time you craft with kids its about the process, not about perfection!

Here’s what you will need to make the lowercase letter c craft.

Supplies for the lowercase letter c craft - construction paper, scissors and glue.
  • Construction Paper in Five Colors for the Caterpillar
  • Construction Paper for the background in color of choice
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Alternative – White paper and crayons

Instructions to make the lowercase letter c craft.

Cut pieces for the lowercase letter c craft.
  1. Have your child cut out 10 circles (about 2” in diameter), 2 from each color of paper.  
  2. Next, cut out 2 rectangles for antenna and 2 small circles for eyes from one color paper.
  3. Then cut 1 small circle from a different color paper for the mouth.
  4. Next, glue down the 10 circles in the shape of a c.
  5. Then glue down the 2 eyes and mouth on the first c.
  6. Finally glue down the antenna on the top of the first c .
completed caterpillar - lowercase letter c craft.

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