Lowercase Letter X Craft for Preschool

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Pirates and treasure maps are the bomb for preschool kids! Make a treasure map with an X Marks the Spot in this Lowercase Letter X Craft to help your child learn the shape and sound of X. This X Marks the Spot craft is going to be a hit with your kiddos.

As you craft, be sure to practice the shape of the letter by having your child trace it after it is cut out and say the name of the letter several times, with emphasis on the “ks” sound in X. Our uppercase letter X craft focuses on the “z” sound of X so you can review and learn both.

Completed lowercase letter X craft for preschool using construction paper.
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Before You Start the Lowercase Letter X Craft

It’s always a good idea to try several different approaches to learn a new letter. Complete as many of these activities as you have time for, but don’t feel guilty if the craft is all you do! These ideas are for extra practice learning the shape and sound of X.

Practice Writing the Letter X

Get some crayons out, and have your student practice writing the letter X as big as the paper by going from corner to corner across the paper in both directions. This is a fun way to show your child how to correctly form the letter X and recognize it at the same time.

Once your child has this down using the four corners of a piece of paper, you can provide sidewalk chalk and invite him to write the letter X on your driveway, sidewalk, or patio. Kids also enjoy using window markers or window chalk to write letters on the glass of a sliding glass door, mirror, or large window for fun and review.

Finding the Letter X

Normally, I recommend finding things around your home that begin with the letter each week. I’m afraid in this case you won’t find many at all. Instead, I suggest giving your child some large boxes to build a fort with. Emphasize the ending sound of X in the word box and suggest they write the letter X on each wall of the box. This is another way your child can practice writing the letter X and have fun at the same time!

You can also hide little pieces of paper with the letter X written on each one and let your child find them, just like an Easter egg hunt but with X cards.

Extra Fun with X Marks the Spot

Make an X Marks the Spot map on your driveway or patio using sidewalk chalk. If you have lots of energy, you (mom or dad) could also create a treasure map of your backyard and hide something for your child to find wherever X marks the spot.

Read Letter X Picture Books

I couldn’t find a book for X Marks the Spot, but we have several other suggestions on our list of Letter X Picture Books List that feature this sound of X. As you read each book, be sure to point out the letter X on the cover of each book, and on each page, point to the letter X and emphasize its sound in words.

Try Alphabet Yoga

Get your kids moving their bodies and exploring the alphabet at the same time, including the letter X and any others you would like to review with this alphabet yoga.

Materials for the Lowercase Letter X Craft

Materials for the craft: construction paper, scissors, glue, black writing utensil.
  • blue construction paper
  • yellow construction paper
  • brown construction paper
  • green construction paper
  • red construction paper
  • black marker/crayon/pencil
  • glue
  • scissors
  • alternative – white paper and crayons

Instructions for the Lowercase Letter X Craft

  1. Draw the cut pieces on construction paper as shown in the image above with a fairly thick marker to make easy lines to cut. Then have your student follow the remaining instructions.
  2. Cut out a lowercase x from the red paper.
  3. Next, cut out a large island shape from the yellow paper.
  4. Then cut out a tree trunk from the brown paper
  5. Next, cut out a treetop from the green paper.
  6. Then glue down the yellow island in the middle of the blue paper.
  7. Next, glue down the brown tree trunk towards the bottom of your island.
  8. Then glue down the treetop on the top of your trunk.
  9. Next, glue down the x toward the top right of your island for ‘x marks the spot’.
  10. Finally, draw a compass in the bottom corner of your blue paper.