Uppercase Letter E Craft for Preschool

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When I think about teaching the sound of the letter e, the first word I think of is elephant. Little kids love these big, clunky, peanut-sipping animals! Our list of letter e books for preschool has several awesome elephant books your child will adore. Make this cute elephant uppercase letter e craft to help your child recognize the letter and it’s sound.

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Set Up the Letter E Craft.

Elephants are such fun animals to watch! I could sit and watch the elephants for hours at the zoo. Watch a really neat elephant video with your kids to kick off the letter e craft. You might also enjoy an elephant movement game before you get started. Large muscle movement helps warm up the brain and get kids ready to learn. Not to mention it helps get the wiggles out!

As you make the uppercase letter e craft with your kids, talk about the letter shape and trace it with your fingers. You can also try drawing it in the air or on a big chalkboard. Practice making the short vowel sound of e and saying the word elephant or other e words together, stressing the vowel sound.

If you have plastic animal elephants, now would be a great time to get those out and play elephant family before or after craft time. Have the little animals stomp around your home looking for items that begin with the letter e.

You can look for edges, eggs, electrical outlets, exits, erasers, elevens, extension cords, energy drinks or exercise equipment. If you don’t have plastic animals you can pretend your letter craft came alive and take him with you! If you used plastic eggs for the game included with the lowercase letter e craft, use them again and have the elephants help your child find the eggs hidden around your home.

Materials for the Uppercase Letter E Craft

The uppercase letter e craft is very similar to our other letter crafts in that it only uses construction paper, glue and scissors. The plastic table cloth is optional. I believe in keeping the craft activities simple to help lower stress levels for both you and your child. Don’t forget that all of the extra ideas in this post are just that – extra! No guilt allowed.

Remember to let your child do as much of the work as possible and don’t stress about getting it perfect. However it turns out, it will be perfect, because the process is the goal. Here are the skills your child will work on while making this adorable elephant.

  • fine motor skills
  • scissor skills
  • hand strength
  • letter recognition
  • letter sound
  • hand-eye coordination
  • patience

You can also use activities like this to help your child build strong verbal skills and communication skills. Encourage conversation throughout the process. Ask open-ended questions and wait for the answer. Listen when your child talks. Ask your child to tell you all about the elephant and maybe even tell you a story about it.

  • Grey or Blue Construction Paper
  • White Construction Paper
  • Construction Paper for Background
  • Googly Eyes
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Alternative – White paper and crayons

Instructions for the Uppercase Letter E Craft

  1. Trace the pieces you see in the picture above with a thick marker.
  2. Have your child cut out the large uppercase E and a trunk from the grey/blue paper.
  3. Next, have your child cut out 2 sets of toenails from the white paper.
  4. Then, your child will glue down the E in the middle of the paper.
  5. Next, your child will glue down the trunk on the top edge of the E.
  6. Then, your child will glue down the toenails on the bottom 2 lines of the E. 
  7. Finally, your child will glue down the 2 googly eyes on the top of the E.

Wrapping it Up

Once you’ve finished with the letter e craft or any other seat work, that’s a great time to take your family outside to get some exercise. Even in winter spending a little time outside each day does wonders for our immune system and emotional health! Plus, seat work can be stressful for some kids and active play like exercise is a great way to relieve stress. Exercise starts with e so you can milk that for all it’s worth this week and start making outdoor exercise a part of your daily routine.